The Ogepar Group

The Ogepar Group


The holding company Ogepar founded in 1985, is based in Ghent (Belgium). It is single-family owned, with a share capital of 100 million euros. The Group employs 1700 people in 5 different business areas, and treasures its independence of decision making and its financial autonomy. It attaches great importance to the stability of its teams. The profits made are used for the growth of the subsidiaries.

Industrie de l’énergie et du transport


Since 1912, the Anglo Belgian Corporation (BE) – abbreviated to ABC – has been manufacturing solidly-built engines that can produce electricity at competitive prices for both industrial users and for thousands of households. ABC engines are a real benchmark in the marine and railway traction sectors.

Thanks to the expertise of ABC Contracting (BE) – and to the African subsidiaries ABC Sodimel (DRC), Ivoiremotor (IC), Procob (RC), Procobu (BI) and Rwandamotor (RW) – the group can provide turnkey solutions for thermal and hybrid power plants, hydroelectric plants and electricity networks.

Kompressorenbau Bannewitz GmbH (DE) – more widely known under its abbreviation KBB – develops and manufactures turbochargers for diesel or petrol engines.


Focast Saint-Dizier (FR), Focast Châteaubriant (FR), Luneburg (DE) and Luitpoldhütte (DE) manufacture complex cast iron parts (from 50 to 9000 kg per part) for the agricultural machinery, trucks and civil engineering machinery sectors.


Bailliu (BE) manufactures laser machinery for all types of applications and materials.

Pegard Productics (BE) works in the mechanical and electrical retrofitting of machine tools.


Au travers de trois sociétés immobilières, le Groupe détient en portefeuille deux hôtels opérant sous la marque Elaïs, des résidences, des bureaux et des entrepôts.