

As machining experts we work as a subcontractor in sectors such as aeronautics, medical, energy, iron and steel, defence, etc.

We machine high-precision parts from small to large size on our boring machines, vertical lathes or grinding machines. Our unique selling point in terms of machining is the size of the parts we can create, which exceeds over a cubic metre with a maximum weight of up to 80 tonnes.



  • 4 main machines
  • 9600 x 3000 x 1400 strokes
  • Rotary table: 2380 x 2380 mm, long stroke. 2000 mm 20 T
  • Fixed table: 6500 x 3000 mm, 10 T/m²
Usinage de grande taille
Machine usinage 5 axes PEGARD



Grinding Machines

  • Cylindrical: up to a diameter of 3000 diameter mm (max. load 40 T)
  • Flat: Up to 7000 x 2200 x 1400 mm (max. load 20 T)
Rectifieuse usinage
Tour verticaux Pegard

Vertical Lathes

  • Up to a diameter of 5600 x 3500 mm
  • Capacity of 40 T

Some of our achievements

Usinage et soudure de grande piece

Precision mechanically welded frame, 8 m long, 0.02 mm, 5 T

Usinage 3 axes d'un moule en aluminium

3-axis machining of an aluminium casting mould

Usinage 5 axes d'un corps de pompe

5-axis machining of a pump housing

Contrôle 3D - Qualité

3D Control – Quality

Other realisations

Usinage de grandes pièces sur machine outil
Usinage de précision de grande taille
Usinage en Belgique